Welcome to Equine Husbandry Encyclopedia!

We are here to provide you with the ultimate planner and organizer for all your equestrian needs, whether you are a horse owner, or manage a commercial yard. Our unique solution is designed to make your life easier and more efficient, giving you more time to focus on what you love - your horses.


Please note! This website is brand new and we are in the process of developing the section pages. 

We are working to create a fantastic 'Everything In One Place' web-based service to organise your equines needs, it will br fully up and running very soon!. 

Please check in again soon!

Thanks for visiting Equine-Husbandry-Encyclopedia. Com

You can email us at: info@equine-husbandry-encyclopedia.com

Personalized Planning

Tailored planning to simplify your equestrian life!

Task Management

Efficient task management for maximum productivity!

Health & Care Tracking

Comprehensive health & care tracking for peace of mind!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can Equine Husbandry Encyclopedia! help me as a horse owner?

Our solution is designed to simplify and organize all aspects of your equestrian life, from scheduling vet appointments to keeping track of competitions and events.

What makes your task management service different from other solutions?

Our task management service is specifically tailored to the needs of equestrian professionals, with a focus on efficient time management and productivity.

How can I get started with your personalized planning service?

Getting started with our personalized planning service is easy - simply get in touch with us and we'll guide you through the process.

“I have been using Equine Husbandry Encyclopedia! for a few months now and it has completely transformed the way I manage my horses and the yard. It's an essential tool for any equestrian professional.”

Sarah Johnson

Contact us

Get in touch with us to discover how we can help you manage your equestrian life!

Equine Husbandry Encyclopedia 

Everything In One Place!
United Kingdom

About us

Equine Husbandry Encyclopaedia! is dedicated to providing equestrians with an essential tool to manage their horse-related commitments. Our innovative solution is designed to make life easier for horse owners and commercial yard managers, allowing you to focus on what matters most - your horses.